Rev. Tom Baker

Host of Law & Gospel

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Rev. Tom Baker is Director of Development for Concordia Mission Society which supports of missionaries, overseas medical vans and GOOD NEWS magazine.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Rev. Peter Kurowski. (2) Woman lives for one year by Biblical commands. (3) Distinctions between ceremonial, civil and moral laws. (4) Tension Deficit Disorder.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Goal of a sermon is not information but transformation. (2) Secular vs spiritual transformation. (3) Performative language. (4) We are not co-creators or co-redeemers.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Rev. Mark Smith. (2) John 14:23 “If love Me, he will obey my teaching.” (3) Luke 15 and who is Jesus, tax collectors and Pharisees. (4) Girl pregnant out of wedlock. (5) Caller:
L&G about Galatians 6:1-5.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Elmore Ohio trip. (2) 21st Sunday after Pentecost Hebrew 4:12. (3) Key Law and Gospel passage. (4) Word of God creates faith. (5) Caller: Explain “give an account.”

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Hymn: “Thee Will I Love, My Strength” (2) Caller: Psalm 107:10-15 and a L&G perspective.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Pastor Peter Kurowski, (2) Difference between Close and Closed Communion, and (3) The paradoxes of the Lord’s Supper.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Insight Wednesday, (2) Form of a sermon, (3) Thread size of a suture, and
(4) How to keep the attention of the congregation.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Conversation: (1) Ruminations with Grandfather Rev. Wes Reimnitz, (2) Why wait for infant baptism?, (3) Nieces who are not baptized, (4) Caller: Baptism of the dead, and (5) Numbers 11:29 and 1 Cor. 12:27-31 Desire best gifts.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) 20th Sunday after Pentecost Hebrews 3:19, (2) Was
Israel not permitted to enter the Promised Land because of disobedience or disbelief?, and (3) Mark 10 Rich man and salvation by giving your money to the poor?

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Open Mike, (2) Analysis of the Hymn: “Our Father By
Whose Name”, (3) L&G analysis of love of self set free, and (4) Caller: How does peace come to a home?