Rev. Sean Daenzer shares about LSB 897.
Hear special programming for the season of Christmas from KFUO Radio.

12 Days of Christmas: Behind the Hymns — Lutheran Service Book 386
Dr. Jerrode Marsh shares about LSB 386.

12 Days of Christmas: Behind the Hymns — Lutheran Service Book 969
Benjamin Kolodziej shares about LSB 969.

12 Days of Christmas: Behind the Hymns — Lutheran Service Book 389
Paul Soulek shares about LSB 389.

12 Days of Christmas: Behind the Hymns — Lutheran Service Book 382
Matt Machemer shares about LSB 382.

12 Days of Christmas: Behind the Hymns — Lutheran Service Book 358
Chaplain Brian Hamer shares about LSB 358.

12 Days of Christmas: Behind the Hymns — Lutheran Service Book 399
Rev. Dr. James Marriott shares about LSB 399.

12 Days of Christmas: Behind the Hymns — Lutheran Service Book 372
Rev. Dr. Jon Vieker shares about LSB 372.

12 Days of Christmas: Behind the Hymns — Lutheran Service Book 360
Deaconess Sandra Rhein shares about LSB 360.

Law and Gospel — 12 Days of Christmas
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel and the 12 Days of Christmas.