Concord Matters

Study the Lutheran Confession of Faith found in the Book of Concord with lively discussions led by host Rev. Brady Finnern, President of the LCMS Minnesota North District, and guest LCMS pastors. Join us as these Christ-confessing Concordians read through and discuss our Lutheran doctrine in the Book of Concord in order to gain a deeper understanding of our Lutheran faith and practical application for our vocations.

Show Time: Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. Central Time
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Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession Article XII: Repentance

With guests Pastor Max Mons of St. Paul’s Lutheran Chapel and University Center , Iowa City, IA and his Confessional Reading Group: Ben Weis, Nate Wille, Trae Fistler.

Concord Matters – Augsburg XI: Confession

Today we look at Confession, Absolution, Steadfast Throwdown, Sacraments, Public Confession, General, Corporate, Individual, Private Confession, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, How can Pastors forgive sins, Examination, Ten Commandments, Vocation, Scripture, conscience, enumeration, abuses, penance, pastors, father confessor, what to expect, seal of confession, ordination vows, state laws, what will pastor think of me.

Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession Articles IX (Baptism) and X (the Lord’s Supper)

With host Rev. Charles Henrickson and guests Rev. Duane Meissner and Rev. Steve Riordan.

Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession Articles VII and VIII: The Church

With guests Pastor David Juhl of Our Savior Lutheran Church, Momence IL., and Pastor Donavon Riley of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Webster, MN.

Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession Article VI: New Obedience

With guest Pastor Michael Schuermann/Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Sherman, Illinois and Pastor Lincoln Winter/Trinity Lutheran Church, Wheatland, Wyoming.

Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession Article V: Ministry

With guests Rev. Dan Hinton and Rev. Mark Preus.

Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession Article IV: Justification

Hosted by Rev. Charles Henrickson. With guests Rev. Dr. David Maxwell and Rev. Rolf Preus.

Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession Article III: Two Natures of Christ

With guests Pr. Jacob Ehrhard of Trinity Lutheran Church, New Haven, Mo. and Pr. Jason Reed of Messiah Lutheran Church, Beloit, WI.

Concord Matters – Second Article of the Augsburg Confession: Original Sin

With guests Rev. Max Mons of St. Paul’s Lutheran Chapel and University Center, Iowa City, Iowa, and Rev. Mark Smith of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Crestwood, Missouri.

Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession Article I

With guests Rev. Heath Curtis, Rev. Nathan Meador, and Rev. Daniel Hinton. Hosted by Rev. Joshua Scheer.