With guests Pastor John Suguitan and Deaconess Kelly Jacob from Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Cincinnati, Ohio
Faith & Family
Keep your family’s Lutheran faith first as you praise God for the gift He has given you in your children, parents, grandparents, and even the in-laws! Every day, Faith & Family will have an expert on the show to discuss life issues such as money management, dealing with divorce, adoption, how to raise children to lead a God-centered life in a very non-Christian world, and more. Faith & Family is graciously underwritten by Concordia University Wisconsin.

Faith & Family – Live at Dunn Road Manor!
With guests Annmarie Wallis, Susan Hutchinson, Tammy Payne, RN, and Dunn Road residents Yvonne and Blanche.

Faith & Family – Disabilities in the Body of Christ
With guests Mona Fuerstenau, Deaconess Kimberly Trombley, Josh Galgan, and Sandra Rice

Faith & Family – Lutheran Marriage Encounter
With guests Cheryl & Chris Bates and Rev. Dan & Judy Teuscher

Faith & Family – KFUO Rally Day!
With guests Ray and Eunice Hausler, Jim and Marjorie Viehland, and Dr. Jack Fyans