Topics of Discussion: (1) Chaplain Mike Moreno talks about Operation Barnabas, (2) Jane Wilke talks about caring for our senior citizens, (3) Tim Goeglein talks about a Christian’s Guide to Voting, Rev. Jim Hennig studies Matthew 21:1-22 “The Triumphal Entry” and “Jesus Cleanses the Temple”, and today’s Matins Sermonette is from “A Year in the New Testament – Meditations for each day of the Church Year” – published by CPH.
His Time
His Time
Topics of Discussion: (1) Kim Bueltmann talks about the Beautiful Feet Mission Conference 2012, (2) Rev. Glenn Merritt talks about the LCMS Disaster Response to Hurricane Sandy, (3) Deaconess Deborah Rockrohr talks about missionary work in South Africa, (4) Rev. Brian Holle studies Matthew 20:1-16 “Laborers in the Vineyard”, (5) and Rev. David Werly gives today’s Matins Sermonette.
His Time
Topics of Discussion: (1) Rev. Joshua Scheer talks about The Brothers of John the Steadfast, (2) Dr. Bob Weise talks about Christian Bioethics and how to handle Aging, (3) Rev. Randall Golter talks about his work at the International Mission Office, and (4) Rev. James Holowach studies Matthew 19:16-30 “The Rich Young Man” and also gives today’s Matins Sermonette.
His Time Morning Show
Topics of Discussion: (1)Tom Ries talks about Concordia University in St. Paul, MN, (2) Jane Wilke talks about Lutheran Senior Services, (3)Ron Klemm and Jeral Becker talk about Bach at the Sem, (4) Rev. Mart Thompson studies Matthew 17:14-27 “Jesus heals a boy with a Demon”, and (5) Rev. Ryan Wendt gives today’s Matins Sermonette.
His Time Morning Show
Topics of Discussion: (1) Dr. Albert Garcia talks about Bibles for Cuba and the Cuban Lutheran Fellowship, (2) Jim Lohman talks about the 2012-2013 LCMS Youth Servant Events, (3) Deaconess Deborah Rockrohr talks about mission work in South Africa, (4) Rev. Marcus Zill studies Matthew 16:13-28 “Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ”, and Rev. Grant Knepper gives today’s Matins Sermonette.
His Time Morning Show
Topics of Discussion: (1) Rev. Joshua Scheer updates us about The Brothers of John the Steadfast, (2) Dr. Bob Weise talks about End of Life questions, (3) Rev. Alan Erdman talks about Lutheran Family and Children’s Services, (4) Rev. Matt Clark (Immanuel in Waterloo, IL) Studies Matthew 16:1-12 “The Pharisees and Sadducees Demand Signs”, and (5) Rev. Randy Asburry gives today’s Matins Sermonette.
His Time Morning Show
Topics of Discussion: (David Saving talks about Children’s Christian Concern Society, (2) Joanie Harwell and Liz Hoffman talk about great Halloween ideas, (3) Creation Club with Warren Woerth, (4) Rev. Peter Kurowski (St. Paul’s in California, MO) studies Matthew 14:22-36 “Jesus Walks on Water” and “Jesus Heals the Sick”, and (5) Rev. Joshua Schneider (Emmanual of Kahului-Maui, HA) gives today’s Matins Sermonette.
His Time Morning Show
Topics of Discussion: (1) Mary Beth Ohlms talks about surviving breast cancer, (2) Jane Wilke talks about taking car of our senior citizens through Lutheran Senior Services, (3) Dr. Arthur A. Just talks about St. Luke Day, (4) Rev. David Pelsue (Church of the Reformation in Affton, MO) studies Matthew 14:1-21 “The death of John the Baptist” and “Jesus feeds Five Thousand”, and (5) Rev. Randy Asburry gives today’s Matins Sermonette.
His Time Morning Show
Topics of Discussion: (1) Curtis Wudtke talks about Metro East Lutheran School, (2) Dr. A. Dennis Sparger talks about the Bach Society of St. Louis, (3) Rev. Tony Alter talks about his trip to the Holy Land, (4) Rev. Bruce Keseman (Christ Our Savior in Freeburg, IL) studies Matthew 13:44-48 “Parables of the Hidden Treasure, the Pearl of Great Value, and the Net”, and (5) Rev. Randy Asburry gives today’s Matins Sermonette.
His Time Morning Show
Topics of Discussion: (1) Carol Buckman talks about Christian Friends of New Americans (CFNA), (2) Rev. Dr. Scott Murray talks about his trip to Tanzania to visit LMI-funded projects, (3) Amy Unnerstall of SouthEast Missouri State U. talks about her Outreach trip to Thailand, (4) Rev. Jeff Hemmer (Bethany Lutheran Church,