Our identity is first and foremost found in Christ.
Lutheran Witness
The Lutheran Witness provides readings of all the articles posted on LW website, witness.lcms.org. The Lutheran Witness is an official periodical of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (Visit lcms.org to learn more). Subscribe to the print edition of LW at cph.org/witness. For additional stories and articles that help you interpret the world from a Lutheran perspective, visit the LW website.
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The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Supreme Court Makes LGBT Agenda a Civil Right
The Supreme Court has ruled that “sex” must be construed so as to include sexual desires and gender self-identity.
The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Faith and 5G
The tragic story of the Nehushtan is a warning for God’s people today: God’s good gifts can become inimical idols.
The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Of Parking Lots and Catacombs
Parking lot church during a pandemic … is not for the faint of heart.
The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Our Whole Future Wholly in His Hands
Everything is in the Savior’s hands. Look and see what else is there in His hands: the marks His love has made for you, for your church.
The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Jesus is Lord
“Jesus is Lord,” they would say, and die.
The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Introducing….
The Lutheran Witness: helping you interpret the world from a Lutheran perspective.
The Coffee Hour – Making Disciples For Life in the Face of Pandemic
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Dien Ashley Taylor, pastor of Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church in The Bronx, New York.
The Coffee Hour – Lutheran Witness June/July: By Faith, Not By Sight
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Roy Askins, Managing Editor, of the Lutheran Witness.
The Coffee Hour – Wedding Vows: The Voice of Love
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Kenneth Wieting, author of ‘Wedding Vows: The Voice of Love’ in the May issue of the Lutheran Witness.