Rev. Gaven Mize studies 2 Corinthians 3:6 regarding properly distinguishing Law and Gospel and the clear new covenant in the Lord’s Supper.
Sharper Iron
Sharper Iron looks at the text of Holy Scripture both in its broad context and its narrow detail, all for the sake of proclaiming Christ crucified and risen for sinners. Two pastors engage with God’s Word to sharpen not only their own faith and knowledge, but the faith and knowledge of all who listen.
Sharper Iron is hosted by Rev. Timothy Appel.
Sharper Iron is underwritten by Lutheran Church Extension Fund. Together in faith, LCEF helps to start, sustain and strengthen LCMS ministries through financial and strategic partnerships. Visit
Show Time: Monday-Friday at 8:00 a.m. Central Time
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Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: The Sufficiency of the Gospel
Rev. Jeremiah Johnson studies 2 Corinthians 3:4-6a regarding worldly vs. divine confidence, the cult of personality pastors, and the letter vs. the Spirit..

Sharper Iron & Heroes of Faith Alone: The Endurance Race of Faith
Rev. Adam Koontz studies Hebrews 12:1-2 regarding the Christian and Jesus as athletes, the pursuit of victory, and finishing well.

Sharper Iron & Heroes of Faith Alone: The Commendation of the Undying
Rev. Samuel Wirgau studies Hebrews 11:39-40 regarding being commended by God through faith and saints receiving (or not) the promise of God in this life.

Sharper Iron & Heroes of Faith Alone: In the Wilderness a Highway
Rev. James Preus studies Hebrews 11:11:32y & 38b regarding the theology of the cross in the stories of Moses, the people of Israel, and more.

Sharper Iron & Heroes of Faith Alone: Free to Die
Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller studies Hebrews 11:32x regarding the gifts of shame and defeat, and the Lord exalting the Humble Christian.

Sharper Iron & Heroes of Faith Alone: Style Heroes of the Bible
Rev. Timothy Appel studies Hebrews 11:32w regarding the stories of Elijah and Elisha, and the connection between clothing and forgiveness.

Sharper Iron & Heroes of Faith Alone: The Victory of Suffering
Professor David Lewis studies Hebrews 11:32v regarding those who died by the sword.

Sharper Iron & Heroes of Faith Alone: The Oral Tradition of Believing
Rev. Andrew Preus studies Hebrews 11:32u regarding the life, prophecy, and martyrdom of Isaiah, and the storeies of Sennacherib and Hezekiah.