So You Want to Be a Disciple…. (pt.1)
Wrestling With the Basics
Get ready to chuckle or even chortle with Pastor “Jolly” John Lukomski and Pastor Matt “Youngblood” Clark as they take a humorous approach to Bible Study.
Show Time: Saturdays at 9:00 – 9:30 a.m. Central Time
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Wrestling With the Basics – The 2nd Sign of the Magi
The 2nd Sign of the Magi.
Wrestling With the Basics – The Magi
The Magi — With hosts Rev. John Lukomski and Rev. Matt Clark.
Wrestling With the Basics – Conclusion of Bob the Sheep
Conclusion of Bob the Sheep.
Wrestling With the Basics – Christmas Special: Bob the Sheep & the Jalapeño Chorus
Christmas Special: Bob the Sheep & the Jalapeño Chorus.
Wrestling With the Basics – Bob the Sheep & the Meaning of the Advent Wreath
Bob the Sheep & the Meaning of the Advent Wreath.
Wrestling With the Basics – Excuses, Excuses: Moses and the Burning Bush
Excuses, Excuses: Moses and the Burning Bush
Wrestling With the Basics – How Can a Good God Let His People Suffer?
Twittering with Hans: “How Can a Good God Let His People Suffer?”
Wrestling With the Basics – Midrash: Tim Zechiel on the Thief on the Cross
Midrash: Tim Zechiel on the Thief on the Cross