The Coffee Hour — 100 Years of KFUO: Rev. Doug Nicely

We’re celebrating 100 years of God’s blessings on KFUO Radio with a special series featuring guests from KFUO’s long history! Former on-air host Rev. Doug Nicely joins us for Episode 6.

The Coffee Hour — Understanding Biblical Reconciliation

What is the need for a biblical understanding of reconciliation? Dwight Schettler of Ambassadors of Reconciliation joins us!

The Coffee Hour — Technology and the Church

Why should we consider the relationship of technology to the soul? Dr. David Maxwell, Dr. Kevin Golden, and Erika Petsch join us to discuss the upcoming 2024 Theological Symposium “Technology and the Church: Promise and Peril” at Concordia Seminary!

The Coffee Hour — Teaching Hymns to the Next Generation

Why are hymns important for young adults, and how can we teach young people to love and appreciate hymnody? Rev. Kevin Twit, founder of Indelible Grace Music, joins us!

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Sharing the Love of Church Work Vocations, Part 1

Concordia University students studying to become church workers had the chance to share about church work vocations at Higher Things Conferences this summer. Young Adult Representatives (YARs) Brianna Pike and Josh Rueter join us!

The Coffee Hour — The Puritan Movement, Ep. 9: Catholics, Whigs and Tories in the Battle for Government

Could a Catholic be on the Throne of England? Dr. Cameron MacKenzie joins us for the ninth and final episode of our series on the Puritan movement.

The Coffee Hour — Mercy Stories: District Disaster Response Coordinators

How is relief organized after a community experiences a disaster? Rev. Trae Fistler and Ms. Janet Simko join Andy, Sarah, and guest co-host Rev. Kevin Robson for Episode 7 of Mercy Stories!

The Coffee Hour — Catechesis and the Catechism (Rebroadcast)

Rev. Peter Bender and Rev. Dr. Al Espinosa talk about the importance of catechesis.

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Exploring Future Pastoral Vocation

How does a young man explore the possibility of pursuing a future pastoral vocation? Ninth-grader Emmit Ohlde joins us!

The Coffee Hour — The Puritan Movement, Ep. 8: The Monarchy is Restored

Coming out of the Interregnum period, what happens when the English monarchy is restored? Join us for Episode 8 of The Puritan Movement, featuring Dr. Cameron MacKenzie!