Faith’n’Family – Christian Friends of New Americans; National Volutneer Month; Sharathon!

With guests Joanie Harwell, Rev. Dr. Stanish Stanley, Maureen Lenz, Mary Schmidt, and Rev. Mark Hawkinson.

Faith’n’Family – Young Adults in the LCMS; Influence of Language on Worldview

With guests Rev. Mark Kiessling, Julianna Shults, Ryan Curnutt, Jonathan Graham.

Faith’n’Family – Homeschooling Roundtable

With guests Korey Wysocki, Amberleigh Birkholz, Holly Scheer, Meridith Fisk and Fisk children, and Becky Filipek.

Faith’n’Family – Ministry and Outreach to the Blind

With guests Rev. David Andrus and Dale Oberkramer.

Faith’n’Family – Rev. David and Shelee Warner Serving the Lord in Spain; Financially Fit

With guests Rev. David and Shelee Warner, and Mark Borchert and Eustolio Gomez

Faith’n’Family – What It’s Like to Work for Lutheran Senior Services; Sing at St. Paul! Choral Workshop

With guests Annmarie Wallis, Katrina McCarver, Paula Mason, Rachel Carrender, Drew Redman, Sheletha Riley, and Aaron Krause from LSS, and Dr. Jerrode Baker Marsh

Faith’n’Family – Dr. Mark Blanke: Celebrating 35 Years of DCE Ministry

With guests Dr. Mark Blanke, DCE, Vanessa Seifert, Christine Eckberg, Shelli Haynes, and Rev. Dr. Brian Friedrich