The Coffee Hour — Texas Lutheran Writers Round Up

It’s time for the Texas Lutheran Writers Round Up! What is this annual event, and what can attendees expect?

The Coffee Hour — Sharing the Love of Christ in the Armed Forces (Rebroadcast)

How do Chaplains get to make the love of Christ known in their vocations as Chaplains in the Armed Forces? Chaplains Kurtis Bueltmann, David Edwards, and Craig Muehler join us on the show to share their stories!

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart to Serve: Seminary Journey Mapping

How does Journey Mapping help individuals and congregations support future church workers? Annie O’Donoghue and Nick Sargent of Standing Partnership join us!

The Coffee Hour — LCMS Service Organizations: Concordia Counseling

What is Concordia Counseling and how do they serve the Church? Deaconess Michelle Downey joins us!

The Coffee Hour— “The Blessed Seed” LW Searching Scripture, January 2025: Genesis 3:9-15

Rev. Carl Roth talks about the “Searching Scripture” feature in the January 2025 issue of the Lutheran Witness.

The Coffee Hour — Studying Original Sin in the Book of Concord

How does the Book of Concord help us understand Original Sin? The Rev. Brady Finnern joins Andy and Sarah to talk about the Formula of Concord reading plan he created for 2025 and what we will learn in January’s readings!

12 Days of Christmas: Hymns — Let All Together Praise Our God (LSB 389)

Learn about Lutheran Service Book 389, “Let All Together Praise Our God.”

12 Days of Christmas: Hymns — Now Sing We, Now Rejoice (LSB 386)

Learn about Lutheran Service Book 386, “Now Sing We, Now Rejoice.”

12 Days of Christmas: Hymns — All My Heart Again Rejoices (LSB 360)

Learn about Lutheran Service Book 360, “All My Heart Again Rejoices.”