Preface to the Book of Concord Paragraphs 22 to the Conclusion — With host Rev. Craig Donofrio and guests Rev. Brandt Hoffman of Zion Lutheran Church in Anchorage, Alaska and Rev. David Juhl of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Momence, IL.
Concord Matters – Paragraphs 19-21 of Preface to Book of Concord
Paragraphs 19-21 of Preface to Book of Concord with guests Rev. Dr. Kevin Golden of Village Lutheran Church in Ladue, Missouri, and Scott Diekmann, Layperson from Seattle, Washington.
Concord Matters — Preface of the Book of Concord, Paragraph 16 and following
Join us as we look into the early efforts at Concord, Melancthon and the Lords Supper, minimizing theological differences to have unity, and the relationship between Scriptures and the Book of Concord.
Concord Matters – Digging Deeper
More investigation into the background and the Preface to the Book of Concord with guests Deaconess Ellie Corrow, Pr. Kyle Mietzner, and Sandra Ostapowich.
Concord Matters – An Introduction
Get to know the hosts Pastor Rod Zwonitzer, Pastor Charlie Henrickson, Pastor Joshua Scheer, Pastor Tim Rossow and Pastor Craig Donofrio, who discuss the “Preface to the Book of Concord”.