Concord Matters — Preface to the Smalcald Articles

Rev. Heath Curtis joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study Luther’s preface to the Smalcald Articles.

Concord Matters — Background of the Smalcald Articles

Rev. Andy Wright joins Rev. Brady Finnern to discuss the background of the writing of the Smalcald Articles.

Concord Matters — Confessional Subscription in the AFLC

Rev. Sam Wellumson joins Rev. Brady Finnern to discuss the confessional subscription of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations (AFLC).

The Coffee Hour — Free Will in the Formula of Concord

What is Free Will and how do we understand conversion? The Rev. Brady Finnern joins us to discuss the Formula of Concord reading plan he created for 2025 and what we will learn in February’s readings!

Concord Matters — Confessional Subscription in the ELCA: Past & Present

Rev. Dr. Mark Granquist joins Rev. Brady Finnern to discuss the history of confessional subscription in American Lutheranism and the current view of the ELCA.

Concord Matters — Confessional Subscription: Why is a Quia Subscription Still Vital for the Church Today?

Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison joins Rev. Brady Finnern to discuss why a Quia subscription is still important for the 21st century Church.

Concord Matters — Confessional Subscription: What is Quia?

Rev. Dr. Larry Rast joins Rev. Brady Finnern to discuss our understanding of a Quia Confessional Subscription.

Concord Matters — Apology of the Augsburg Confession: Article 28. Church Authority

Rev. Brian Kachelmeier joins Rev. Brady Finnern to conclude our study of the Apology of the Augsburg Confession. 

Morning Prayer Sermonette: Romans 2:1-16

Rev. Brady Finnern gives today’s sermonette.

The Coffee Hour — Studying Original Sin in the Book of Concord

How does the Book of Concord help us understand Original Sin? The Rev. Brady Finnern joins Andy and Sarah to talk about the Formula of Concord reading plan he created for 2025 and what we will learn in January’s readings!