JOY — Blood Shed for Me

Just as I am, without one plea, but that Thy blood was shed for me.

Mission Field: USA — Strategic Planning and Learning from Mistakes

Rev. Dr. Lee Hagan explores how ministries take maximum benefit from strategic planning and how to learn from mistakes to move ministry forward.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} ICYMI: Book Club Announcement for ‘Jacob Have I Loved’

It’s time once again to finalize the next pick for the Lutheran Ladies’ Book Club!

News Break – Judges order abortions to continue

Tuesday, March 31, 2020 – Headlines

Let’s Talk! The Rev. Wayne Lawrence Is In: Worship During Pandemic

Rev. Wayne Lawrence from St. James Lutheran Church in University City, Missouri, answers your questions.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} ‘Secondhand’ Book Club Wrap Up and Next Book Reveal

Sarah, Erin, Bri, and Rachel take their own turn at discussing and digesting some of the many compelling facts and insights found in Adam Minter’s book, “Secondhand: Travels in the New Global Garage Sale.”

Thy Strong Word – Revelation 3: Christ of Judah in Philadelphia, Work Your True Name

Rev. Kevin Golden, pastor of Village Lutheran Church in Ladue, Missouri, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Revelation 3.

JOY — Peace at the Cross

Our focus today: the peace that our great Savior and divine Redeemer can bring into our lives.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals – Youth Gathering Resource – Rev. Keith Haney and Racial Reconciliation

Mark and Julianna talk with Rev. Keith Haney about his resource on racial reconciliation and how we can help young people form healthy, Christ centered identity.