LCMS Youth Ministry Announces: End Goals Podcast!

Announcing End Goals podcast, coming soon from LCMS Youth Ministry!

Concord Matters – This Is Most Certainly Christ’s Church

The Smalcald Articles in the Book of Concord – With host Rev. Sean Smith and guests Rev. Peter Ill, Rev. Timothy Appel, and Peter Slayton.

Mission Field: USA — USA as a Mission Field

Rev. Larry Vogel explores how the current demographics in the US today are profoundly affecting the church and the implementation of its mission.

News Break – Michigan adoption policy is challenged

Monday, April 29, 2019 – Headlines

The Coffee Hour – Even When Steeples Are Falling

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Christine Behnke, Director of Parish Education for Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The Coffee Hour – Easter Vigil: From Darkness into Light

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Jeff Hemmer, pastor of Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fairview Heights, Illinois, our KFUO Radio Church of the Week.

The Coffee Hour – Singing in Community

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Jeffrey Blersch, professor of music at Concordia University Nebraska and director or music at Pacific Hills Lutheran Church in Omaha, Nebraska.

Mission Field: USA — Biblical Missiology and Church Planting

Rev. Dr. Detlev Schulz introduces the definition and explores the purpose of missiology as the biblical foundation for the formation of new churches today.

Mission Field: USA — Witness, Mercy, Life Together Framework for Missions

Rev. Tim Droegemueller explores how the three-fold emphasis of the Synod, “Witness, Mercy, Life Together,” integrates biblical concepts into the DNA of future church plants.