How did the Rev. Dr. Andrew Melendez become the first speaker of the Spanish Lutheran Hour, and what is that legacy today? Prof. Lori Siekmann, granddaughter of Dr. Melendez, joins us to share her stories!
The Coffee Hour — Caring for Children in Kenya
How does Project 24 care for children with the love of Christ? John Kissinger Nyang’au, Director of Project 24, and Zach Schnare (LCMS Mission Advocate and Liaison to Kenya) join us!
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart to Serve: The Center for Hispanic Studies
How has the Center for Hispanic Studies formed men and women for church work vocations over the years? The Rev. Dr. Ely Prieto and the Rev. Paul Flo of Concordia Seminary join us for this week’s episode of Set Apart to Serve!
The Coffee Hour — 100 Years of KFUO: Dr. Gerald Perschbacher
We’re celebrating 100 years of God’s blessings on KFUO Radio with a special series featuring guests from KFUO’s long history! In Episode 11, we are joined by Dr. Gerald Perschbacher, author of “A Voice for the Gospel: KFUO Radio in Retrospect” in the September issue of The Lutheran Witness.
The Coffee Hour — Bible Translation Today
How is Bible translation done today? The Rev. Dr. Rich Rudowske of Lutheran Bible Translators joins us!
The Coffee Hour — Hispanic Heritage Month: Ministry in Indianapolis, IN
What does Hispanic Ministry look like in the Indianapolis area? The Rev. Daniel Fickenscher shares his story!
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: The Joy of Shepherding a Flock in New York
The Rev. Peter Deberny joins us for our Set Apart to Serve series to share the story of his pastoral journey!
The Coffee Hour — 100 Years of KFUO: Norma Schroll Tells Husband George’s Story
We’re celebrating 100 years of God’s blessings on KFUO Radio with a special series featuring guests from KFUO’s long history! Mrs. Norma Schroll (wife of the late George Schroll, former KFUO On-Air Host and Engineer) joins us for Episode 10!
The Coffee Hour — Luther’s Translation of the New Testament
How did Luther’s 1522 translation of the New Testament impact the church and society? Rev. Dr. Gerhard Bode joins us!
The Coffee Hour — Hispanic Heritage Month: Ysleta Lutheran Mission
What does ministry look like along the U.S.-Mexico border? The Rev. Dr. Karl P. Heimer, founder of Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care, joins us for Hispanic Heritage Month!