The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Moving to Seminary (Rebroadcast)

How does a family make the transition to Seminary? Ross and Jenni George share their story!

The Coffee Hour — Exploring Mission Opportunities for Students

What opportunities are available for college students seeking to engage in international mission work?

The Coffee Hour — Global Outreach with the Lutheran Heritage Foundation

How does the Lutheran Heritage Foundation work to promote the gospel throughout our world today? The Rev. Drs. Matthew Heise and Ted NaThalang join us!

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart to Serve: A Community of Support

How are new church workers supported in their vocations? The Rev. Jonathan Manor joins us!

The Coffee Hour — KFUO History Trivia!

It’s time for the KFUO History Trivia Game Show! How well do you know KFUO?

The Coffee Hour — Church of the Week: St. Paul’s Lutheran, Des Peres

We’re celebrating our Church of the Week, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Des Peres, MO!

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Formation in Divine Service (Rebroadcast)

How does the Divine Service form Christians and church workers? Rev. Sean Daenzer shares his story.

The Coffee Hour — Advent and Christmas with Concordia Publishing House (Rebroadcast)

It’s almost time for Advent and Christmas! Elizabeth Pittman joins us to talk about the exciting offerings from CPH for this Advent and Christmas season.

The Coffee Hour — Short Term Mission Service in Leipzig

How did a Short Term Mission team serve in Leipzig? Deaconess Kim Bueltmann, serving the Lord in Germany, and volunteers Sharon Delmore and Linda Forte share their story!

The Coffee Hour — From Wittenberg: Global Impact of Lutheran Seminaries

How do LCMS seminaries have a global impact on confessional Lutheranism? In our special crossover series “From Wittenberg” with The Lutheran Witness Podcast, Rev. Roy Askins is joined by our two seminary presidents: Rev. Dr. Thomas Egger and Rev. Dr. John Bruss.