Morning Prayer Sermonette: John 8:1-20

Rev. Dan Eddy gives today’s sermonette.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: 1 Timothy 2:1-15

Rev. Dan Eddy gives today’s sermonette.

Thy Strong Word — Amos 7:1-17: Visions of Locusts, Fire, and the Plumb Line

The Rev. Dan Eddy joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Amos 6. 

Morning Prayer Sermonette: Luke 6:1-19

Rev. Dan Eddy gives today’s sermonette.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: 1 Timothy 2:1-15

Rev. Dan Eddy gives today’s sermonette.

Thy Strong Word — Acts 9:1-31: Saul is Blinded by the Light

The Rev. Dan Eddy, pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church in Beloit, WI, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Acts 9:1-13.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: Luke 6:1-19

Rev. Dan Eddy gives today’s sermonette.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: John 8:1-20

Rev. Dan Eddy gives today’s sermonette.

Thy Strong Word — Exodus 36: Under Construction: The Tabernacle

The Rev. Dan Eddy, pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church in Beloit, WI, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Exodus 36.