Sharper Iron — The Gospel in Action: Jesus’ Compassionate Will

Rev. David Vandercook, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in North Little Rock, AR and Shepherd of Peace Lutheran Church in Maumelle, AR, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 1:40-45.

Sharper Iron — The Word is Trustworthy: Unashamed of Christ and His Church

Rev. David Vandercook, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in North Little Rock, AR and Shepherd of Peace Lutheran Church in Maumelle, AR, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study 2 Timothy 1:8-18.

Sharper Iron — Wisdom and Instruction: The Wisdom of God’s Commandments

Rev. David Vandercook, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in North Little Rock, AR and Shepherd of Peace Lutheran Church in Maumelle, AR, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Proverbs 13:1-25.

Sharper Iron — The Righteousness of God for You: A Glorious Conclusion to a Glorious Epistle

Rev. David Vandercook, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in North Little Rock, AR and Shepherd of Peace Lutheran Church in Maumelle, AR, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Romans 16:17-27.

Sharper Iron — The Righteousness of God for You: The Life in Christ is Greater than the Death in Adam

Rev. David Vandercook, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in North Little Rock, AR and Shepherd of Peace Lutheran Church in Maumelle, AR, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Romans 5:12-21.

Sharper Iron — All Righteousness Fulfilled: The Parable of the Gracious Vineyard Owner

Rev. David Vandercook, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in North Little Rock, AR and Shepherd of Peace Lutheran Church in Maumelle, AR, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Matthew 20:1-16.

Sharper Iron — All Righteousness Fulfilled: Jesus’ Baptism and Ours

Rev. David Vandercook, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in North Little Rock, AR and Shepherd of Peace Lutheran Church in Maumelle, AR, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Matthew 3:13-17.

Sharper Iron — The Day Is Surely Drawing Near: Pride Goes Before Destruction

Rev. David Vandercook, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in North Little Rock, AR and Shepherd of Peace Lutheran Church in Maumelle, AR, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Amos 6:8-14.

Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: Go Back to Egypt, Moses!

Rev. David Vandercook studies Exodus 4:18-31 regarding the relationship between Moses and his Midianite family, the timeline of Moses’ trip back to Egypt, how the circumcision of Moses’ son points us to Christ, and the effectiveness of the LORD’s Word to His people.

His Time – Parish Nurse Ministries, Jesus Walks on Water

(1) March Schnorr and Carol Lueders Bolwerk talk about Parish Nurse Ministries, and (2) Rev. David Vandercook looks at Mark 6:35-56 and gives today’s sermonette.