LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals – Youth Ministry Starter Pack – Safety and Risk Management

Mark and Julianna talk with DCE Jim Lohman about how you can manage risk and keep your youth and adults safe in youth ministry.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals – Youth Ministry Starter Pack – Supportive Adults for Youth Ministry

Mark and Julianna talk about how you can engage and foster healthy supportive adults to serve as volunteers in your youth ministry.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals – Talking about Racism with your Youth with Pastor Gerard Bolling

Mark and Julianna talk with Pastor Gerard Bolling about how we can engage with young people around issues of race, racism, our life in the church, and in our society.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals – Youth Gathering Resource: DCE Rebecca Duport and Dealing with Fear

Mark and Julianna talk with DCE Rebecca Duport about how we can point young people to our God who has conquered fear.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals – Special Episode: Return from COVID-19

Mark and Julianna discuss assessment and strategy as we return to a new normal during the COVID-19 pandemic.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals – Youth Gathering Resource: Kayla Brock and Social Media

Mark and Julianna talk with DCE Kayla Brock about her resource “Created to Connect” and how youth ministries can help young people utilize social media in a healthy, God pleasing way.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals – Youth Gathering Resource: Rev. Dr. Mark Koschmann and Vocation

Mark and Julianna talk with Rev. Dr. Mark Koschmann about the importance of vocation for youth ministry and his resource “Leading Lives that Matter”.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals – Youth Gathering Resource: Heather Ruesch and Sexuality Mentality

Mark and Julianna talk with Heather Ruesch about her resource “Sexuality Mentality – Creating a Culture of Biblical Integrity”.

The Coffee Hour – Podcast for Youth Ministry

Andy and Sarah talk with DCE Julianna Shults, Program Manager, and Rev. Mark Kiessling, Director of Youth Ministry for the LCMS.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals – 7 Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry: Unique Vocation

Mark and Julianna discuss how healthy youth ministry can help teens embrace their vocation and live it out to love and care for their neighbor.