With guest Dr. Rebecca Schmidt
Faith’n’Family – Reformation Hymn Festival at Concordia Seminary
With guest Dr. Jim Marriott
Faith’n’Family – Rev. Micah & Robin Wildauer, Missionary Family to West Africa
With guest Rev. Micah Wildauer
Faith’n’Family – A Night to Shine: Outreach the Special Needs Community
With guest Rev. Steve Carretto
Faith’n’Family – Rev. Michael & Irene Paul, Missionary Family in Taiwan
With guests Rev. Dr. Michael and Jen-Yi “Irene” Paul
Law and Gospel — Best of Insight Wednesday
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding double talk about abortion and unborn children, as well as a law regarding a religious right to discriminate.
Law and Gospel — Best of Insight Wednesday
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding consequential sin.
Faith’n’Family – Lutheran Resources Around the World with LHF
With guest Rev. Matthew Heise
Faith’n’Family – Celebrating National Ice Cream Month!
With guest Camille Smith, RD, LD
Law and Gospel — Best of Insight Wednesday
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding the Muslim faith.