Rev. Matt Wietfeldt, director of admissions and director of the Christ Academy program at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Proverbs 17:25-18:24.
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} ‘Light in the Dark Belt’ Book Club Wrap with Special Guest Kaye Wolff
Rachel leads Sarah, Erin, and Bri — together with special guest Kaye Wolff — in a recap discussion of the latest Lutheran Ladies’ Book Club selection: Rosa Young’s autobiography Light in the Dark Belt.
A Moment for the Family: Trash Talk and Cottage Country
Hear a conversation on how coronavirus has affected trash pickup, environmental concerns, and the trend for country living.
A Moment for the Family: Pandemic Potpourri
Dr. Mary Manz Simon looks at the realities of the pandemic, revisits past tips with updates, and offers new ideas a healthy and faithful life with children.
A Moment for the Family: Five Ideas for Reducing Stress During a Pandemic
Dr. Mary Manz Simon offers five creative ideas for reducing stress during a pandemic.
A Moment of Faith: The Fourth Commandment
Pastor Nicely and Gary discuss the fourth commandment, honoring parents and other authorities in our lives.
The Student Union – Witnessing to the LGBTQ Community (Rebroadcast)
With guest Rev. Dr. Mark Wood, director of Witness and Outreach in the LCMS Office of National Mission
A Moment for the Family: Returning to School During a Pandemic
Dr. Mary Manz Simon offers insights for returning to school, whether virtual or in person, during a pandemic.
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} How to be the “Perfect” Seminary Wife
What does it mean to be the “perfect” seminary wife? he answer, it turns out, is, well … complicated, at best.