The Coffee Hour – Golfing for a Cause

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Stanish Stanley, Executive Director of Christian Friends of New Americans (CFNA), and Mike Albers, from Christ Memorial Lutheran Church.

Sharper Iron & Heroes of Faith Alone: Getting Called Out

Rev. Sam Wirgau studies Hebrews 11:8-9a regarding Abraham’s faith and obedience.

The Coffee Hour – Hope for the Hurting

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Dr. Chrissie Gillet, National Director of Word of Hope.

Concord Matters – Honor More Saints [Honr Mor Saintz]

The Apology of the Augsburg Confession in the Book of Concord – With host Rev. Sean Smith and guests Rev. Merritt Demski, Rev. Peter Ill, and Peter Slayton.

Thy Strong Word – Colossians 1: Thanksgiving and Prayer

Colossians 1: Thanksgiving and Prayer with guest Rev. John Lukomski from Trinity Lutheran Church in Darmstadt & St. Paul Lutheran Church in New Athens, Illinois.

The Coffee Hour – Lutherans Schools Are Needed and Need You

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Sue Nahmensen, CEO of the Lutheran Elementary School Association (LESA), and Joel Akridge, whose child attends Word of Life Lutheran School.

Cross Defense – A Fear that Corrupts Hope

With host Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller and guest Rev. Geoff Boyle

The Coffee Hour – Planting Churches on the Mission Field

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Daniel McMiller, Executive Director of the LCMS Office of International Mission.

Sharper Iron & Heroes of Faith Alone: Recapitulation of the Blood

Rev. John Bombaro studies Hebrews 11:4 regarding the way of Cain and Abel as a type of Christ.

Thy Strong Word – Philippians 3: Righteousness Through Faith in Christ

Philippians 3: Righteousness Through Faith in Christ with guest host Rev. Warren Woerth, pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Arnold, Missouri, and guest Rev. Dr. Jerald Joersz, retired Associate Executive Director of the CTCR.