The Coffee Hour – Green Season Hymns: LSB 717, 615 & 645

Andy and Sarah talk with Benjamin Kolodziej, member of Faith Lutheran Church in Plano, TX, and contributor to the Lutheran Service Book Hymnal Companion

The Coffee Hour – New Illuminated Hymnal

Andy and Sarah talk with Peggy Kuethe, Senior Editor with Concordia Publishing House.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Story Time with Sarah: Catherine Winkworth

Sarah introduces Erin, Bri, and Rachel to the life and times of Lutheranism’s most ubiquitous female translator, Catherine Winkworth.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Sharathon 2020: Vignettes of the Ladies’ Lounge

In this special hour-long Sharathon episode, the Ladies offer listeners a representative sampling (in miniature!) of four different kinds of Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge podcast episodes.

The Coffee Hour – Ascension: Why is it a big deal?

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Sean Daenzer, LCMS Director of Worship and Chaplain for the LCMS International Center.

The Coffee Hour – Singing Christ’s Love at Weddings

Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Mark Bender, Minister of Music at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Des Peres, Missouri, and author of “Singing Christ’s Love” in the May issue of the Lutheran Witness.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Hymn Sing with Sarah: It’s Easter! Alleluia!

It’s Eastertide, and for the Lutheran Ladies, that means hymns — hymns with all the alleluias put back in.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Holy Week Hymn & Scripture Meditation

This Holy Week, Sarah presents hymns and scripture readings as we meditate on the suffering and death of Christ for our sins.

The Coffee Hour – Journey and Battle in Holy Week Hymnody

Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Ruth McDonnell, PhD student at Concordia Seminary.

The Coffee Hour – One and All Rejoice: A New Hymnal for Children

Andy and Sarah talk with Jake Weber, Associate Editor for Music & Worship with Concordia Publishing House.