Rev. David Vandercook studies Exodus 4:18-31 regarding the relationship between Moses and his Midianite family, the timeline of Moses’ trip back to Egypt, how the circumcision of Moses’ son points us to Christ, and the effectiveness of the LORD’s Word to His people.
Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: Signs and Promises
Rev. Sam Wirgau studies Exodus 4:1-17 regarding the nature of signs the LORD gives here and throughout the Scriptures, the LORD’s use of Moses’ mouth, and the grace the LORD shows even to this doubting servant.
Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: Moses’ Vicarage in the LORD’s Name
Rev. Gaven Mize studies Exodus 3:13-22 regarding the name, “I AM,” Yahweh, the LORD, as the name in which Moses was sent, the name that is given and remains upon Christians in Baptism still today. In this name, the LORD promises deliverance for Israel even in the face of Pharaoh’s hardness of heart.
Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: Salvation in the Baptismal Ark
Rev. Harrison Goodman studies Exodus 2:1-10 regarding the birth of Moses, the way God turns the means of death into the means of life, and the many Baptismal connections for the Christian life in the midst of persecution still today.
Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: For All the Faithful Midwives
Rev. Zelwyn Heide gives an overview of the Book of Exodus, discusses Egyptian history and context, and looks at how the LORD made foolish the plans of Pharaoh through a miraculous increase and faithful midwives.
Thy Strong Word – Numbers 22: Balaam, Midianite and Prophet of Yahweh
Rev. Brian Kachelmeier, pastor of Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church in Los Alamos, New Mexico, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Numbers 22.
Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: Forgiveness is Not a Feeling
Pastor Preus looks at Genesis 50:15-Exodus 1:7 regarding the reconciliation of the children of Israel that is founded not upon feelings, but upon the forgiveness earned by Christ.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Dying to Confess the Resurrection
Rev. Dustin Beck studies Genesis 49:28-50:14 regarding the death and burial of Jacob, how Christians can confess the truth of the resurrection even with death and burial, and the faithful witness Jacob’s burial gave even to the Egyptians.