Rev. Greg Truwe studies Genesis 8:20-9:7 regarding the response to the Lord’s saving action, the covenant relationship with the Lord, the universal promise of the Lord, new beginning that comes through water, and the redemption found in Christ.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Megalodon What?
Rev. Sean Kilgo studies Genesis 8:6-19 regarding how leaving the ark relates to the Resurrection, living only according to God’s Word, letting go of things God has called us away from, the relationship of the new creation to Baptism, and how God likes order and families.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Worldwide Promise
Rev. Ill studies Genesis 7:17-8:5 regarding the paradoxical flood of death and flood of life, the undoing and redoing of all creation, and the connection of the Flood to Baptism.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Seven, Forty and the Unexpected
Rev. Matthew Wietfeldt studies Genesis 7:1-16 regarding the New Testament’s use of Noah as a warning for evil times, all of the numbers in this text and why they matter, the Ark as a type of the Church, and how the flood relates to Baptism.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: All Waters are a Blessed Flood
Rev. Dr. Adam Filipek studies Genesis 6:11-22 regarding how the Flood is used as a reminder throughout scripture as a reminder of God’s judgment, how all the animals fit on the ark and how we have all the animals we have today, and the relation of the Flood to Baptism.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Angels and Rock People
Rev. Sean Daenzer studies Genesis 6:1-10 regarding who the Nephilim are and the legends involving them, the attractions of sinful nature versus what is God-pleasing, the limiting of man’s life, and previewing the destruction of man and animals during the flood.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: What’s in a Name?
Rev. Beck studies Genesis 4:25-5:32 regarding why Moses goes back to creation in chapter 5, why it seems people lived longer in those days, if it’s wise to track the timeline of generations, and what all these names mean.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: The Boastful Song of Death
Rev. Stephen Preus studies Genesis 4:17-24 regarding the early development of the sinful human race,who Cain’s wife would have been, and Cain’s rejection of God’s curse.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Serpent Crusher or Brother Basher?
Rev. Luke Zimmerman studies Genesis 4:1-16 regarding the names given to Adam and Eve’s children, how the effects of sinfulness begin to be seen in those children, the importance of our attitude towards God, and the character of God as is displayed in His treatment of the Cain.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: East of Eden
Rev. Samuel Wirgau studies Genesis 3:20-24 regarding the importance of the name Eve, the significance of the clothing given to Adam and Eve, why Adam and Eve were forced from the Garden, and what might have happened to the Garden of Eden.