Gary talks with Simon Peter about how important the Greek grammar is in scripture.
The Coffee Hour – Get Into the Game: Learning Koine Greek
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. James Voelz, Professor of New Testament Theology at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis.
The Coffee Hour – The Word of God in Languages of the Heart
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Rich Rudowske, Director for Program Ministries & COO with Lutheran Bible Translators.
The Coffee Hour – #NYG2019: Catechisms in Global Heart Languages
Andy talks with Rev. Dinku Bato from Lutheran Heritage Foundation.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: The Religion of Idolatry
Rev. Wolfmueller studies Genesis 11:1-9 regarding the true church versus the false church throughout time, the chronological context of this text, how culture has always been obsessed with technology, and how Pentecost is the reversal of Babel.