Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep26. Surely He Has Borne Our Griefs | Deaconess Pamela Boehle-Silva, R.N.

Deaconess Pamela shares a faithful and honest story of her mother’s dementia diagnosis and the grief she experienced both before and after her mother’s death.

Mission Field: USA — Starting the Church Planting Conversation

Rev. Dr. Ken Schurb shares tools that are available to provide basic information to get the discussion started in your congregation.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Aid Brigade} Surprise Special Guests with Trills, Frills, and… Gills?

The Zion Lutheran Quilting Circle ladies welcome special guests from the Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge Podcast!

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals — Spiritual Vibrant Households

Rev. Jason Broge of Lutheran Hour Ministries talks about how to help foster spiritually vibrant Households of Faith.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} ICYMI: Next Book Club — Wonderfully Made

The Ladies announce their next pick for the Lutheran Ladies’ Book Club: the Rev. Dr. John Kleinig’s Wonderfully Made: A Protestant Theology of the Body.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Book Club Wrap Up: The Enchanted April

Rachel leads Sarah, Erin, and Bri in a recap discussion of the latest Lutheran Ladies’ Book Club selection: Elizabeth von Arnim’s The Enchanted April.

Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep25. Friends in Real Life: Parenting Twins with Autism | Rev. Sam & Olivia Pitsch

Sam and Olivia share their story about the joys and the challenges they share in raising twin boys who have been diagnosed with autism.

Wrestling With the Basics — The Kindly God, the Tempting Devil

With hosts Rev. Matt “Youngblood” Clark and Rev. “Jolly” John Lukomski.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Hymn Sing with Sarah: Holy Week Hymns

Sarah looks forward to Passiontide with a Hymn Sing episode on Holy Week hymns.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals — Working with Parents

DCE Tim Rippstein helps us talk about how youth ministry leaders can work with parents.