Who is Jeremiah, and what are we going to learn from him in this series? Rev. Dr. Reed Lessing joins us!
The Coffee Hour — CTSFW Seminarians Serve in the Dominican Republic
What is a mission education team, and what is its purpose? Aaron Wade, Patrick Randolph, and Erin MacKenzie talk about it.
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Formation as a Director of Christian Education
What does formation as a Director of Christian Education (DCE) student look like? Concordia University Chicago DCE students share their stories!
The Coffee Hour — Christ Academy Family Institute at Concordia Theological Seminary
What happens during Christ Academy events at Concordia Theological Seminary? Rev. Matthew Wietfeldt talks about it!
The Coffee Hour — Vocatio at Concordia Seminary St. Louis
How is Vocatio a great experience for high schoolers considering church work? Rev. Micah Glenn talks about it.
The Coffee Hour — Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music
Why have a conference on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music? Rev. Sean Daenzer and Kantor Christian Roberts talk about it!
The Coffee Hour — Cantate: Sing to the LORD a New Song
What is the place of singing in Classical Lutheran education? Rev. Robert Paul talks about it!
The Coffee Hour — Sharathon 2024: Planned Giving with LCMS Mission Advancement
How is gift planning beneficial for KFUO Radio and its donors? Mike Fischer talks about it!
The Coffee Hour — Sharathon 2024: Using Radio in Prison Ministry
How is KFUO Radio an essential part of prison ministry? Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Nehrt shares his story.
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Sharing the Church’s Story
Why is it important to tell the church’s story of how she raises up faithful church workers? Rev. Dr. James Baneck tells his story.