Andy and Sarah talk with camp directors Craig S. Oldenburg and Bill Indelli.
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Summer Formation Experiences at CSL
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Micah Glenn, Director of Recruitment at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri.
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Summer Formation Experiences at CTSFW
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Matthew Wietfeldt, Assistant Vice President of Admission and Director of Christ Academy at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
The Coffee Hour — Convention Meanderings: Overtures, Elections, Floor Committees
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. John Sias, Secretary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
The Coffee Hour — LCMS Campus Ministry for College Students
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Eric Andrae and Rev. Michael Meyer.
The Coffee Hour — Sharathon 2023: Rev. Dr. James Baneck, Set Apart to Serve Initiative
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. James Baneck, LCMS Executive Director of Pastoral Education and the Set Apart to Serve Initiative.
The Coffee Hour — Sharathon 2023: Rev. Dr. Matthew Heise, Lutheran Heritage Foundation
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Matthew Heise, Executive Director of Lutheran Heritage Foundation.
The Coffee Hour — Sharathon 2023: FLAME!
Andy and Sarah talk with Flame — Lutheran rap artist, author, and creative behind Extra Nos Academy.
The Coffee Hour — Sharathon 2023: LCMS Youth Ministry
Julianna Shults and Rev. Mark Kiessling with LCMS Youth Ministry.