Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession XXVIII, “Church Authority”

Today we talk about “Church Authority from Augsburg Confession XXVIII, paragraphs 5-18.

Concord Matters – Augsburg XI: Confession

Today we look at Confession, Absolution, Steadfast Throwdown, Sacraments, Public Confession, General, Corporate, Individual, Private Confession, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, How can Pastors forgive sins, Examination, Ten Commandments, Vocation, Scripture, conscience, enumeration, abuses, penance, pastors, father confessor, what to expect, seal of confession, ordination vows, state laws, what will pastor think of me.

Concord Matters – First, Second, and Third Petitions of the Lord’s Prayer

Hosted by Rev. Joshua Scheer and guests Rev. Chris Hull (Christ Lutheran Church – Normal, IL) and Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller (Hope Lutheran Church – Aurora, CO.

God Whisperers – Crazy Pastor Stunts and Eucharist Liturgy

Crazy Pastor Stunts and Eucharist Liturgy — with hosts Rev. Craig Donofrio and Rev. Bill Cwirla.