Mark and Julianna are joined by Joanna Shaw and Ally Graves to introduce YouthLead.
LifeMoments – Fifth Sunday in Lent (Mark 10:42-45)
Surprise pregnancies and terminal diagnoses provide irreplaceable opportunities to serve.
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Bri’s Radio Theatre: The Lenten Soup Supper
Bri offers a new set of “Radio Theatre” comedy sketches, this time inspired by the Lenten soup suppers and Wednesday night services familiar in so many Lutheran churches.
Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep1. From Pro-Choice to Pro-Life | Deaconess Tiffany Manor
Deaconess Tiffany Manor joins host Stephanie Neugebauer to talk about her transformation from pro-choice to pro-life.
LifeMoments – Fourth Sunday in Lent (John 3:16/Psalm 107:2-3)
God’s great love has redeemed the human lives in mother’s wombs and hospital beds.
Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: Introductions
Introducing the new LCMS Life Ministry podcast: Friends for Life.
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Rachel’s Trivia Challenge: What Does Lent Mean?
In Rachel’s latest Trivia Challenge, she quizzes Sarah, Erin, and Bri on all things Lenten.
LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals – Strategic Planning for Youth Ministry
Dr. Mark Blanke joins Mark and Julianna to talk about the importance of strategic planning for youth ministry.
LifeMoments – Third Sunday in Lent (John 2:15-16, 19/Exodus 20:13/1 Corinthians 1:28-30)
Almighty God chose the lowly for His own.