How might the Lord use tests in our lives? Rev. Dr. Reed Lessing joins us!
The Coffee Hour — Child of God Lutheran Church and School
How do churches serve their immediate communities, and what does an LCMS Chaplain do? Rev. Jeremy Gorline joins us to share his story!
The Coffee Hour — Mental Health Monday: Understanding Depression
How do we understand depression and help our loved ones with depression?
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Rachel’s Trivia Challenge: Church Feasts, Festivals, and Ordinary Time
Following up on her earlier foray into liturgical calendar trivia last Advent, Rachel here offers “The Church Year, Part 2.”
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Becoming a Deaconess Student
What’s the journey to becoming a deaconess student? Virginia Schweigert talks about her journey.
The Coffee Hour — The Day of Pentecost (Rebroadcast)
Where did the day of Pentecost come from, and how do we observe it today? Rev. Sean Daenzer talks about it!
The Coffee Hour — Serving the Saints in Godfrey, IL
How does the host of Sharper Iron connect the radio ministry to his home congregation? Rev. Timothy Appel joins us live from Faith Lutheran Church in Godfrey, IL!
The Coffee Hour — Mental Health Monday: The National Mental Health Conversation
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Why is this important to us as Christians, and how do we understand the national conversation about mental health? Rev. Dr. Rick Marrs joins us!
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Adventures in Lutheranism: The Altar Guild Part 2 – Life Hacks
Sarah’s continuing the Altar Guild conversation with an all-new Adventures in Lutheranism episode spotlighting Altar Guild life hacks.