The Coffee Hour — Principles of Biblical Interpretation for Everyone

What do we mean when we say “principles of biblical interpretation”? Dr. James W. Voelz talks about it!

The Coffee Hour — The Psalms: The Words of Christ and His Church

How do the Psalms form us in our daily lives and the rhythm of worship? Dr. Geoffrey Boyle talks about it!

The Coffee Hour — Serving on a Short-Term Mission Team in the Czech Republic

What’s it like to serve on a short-term mission team with the LCMS? Rev. Richard Woelmer and Lewis Ostermeyer share their story.

The Coffee Hour — Mental Health Monday: The Emotion of Wonder

What is the emotion of wonder, and how do we experience it? Deaconess Heidi Goehmann talks about it!

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Iron Ladle Challenge: HAM-ERGENCY! Leftover Ham.

Easter Sunday is over and done — but what’s a Lutheran lady to do with all that leftover ham?  

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Journey To and Through Seminary Formation

What does a young man’s path to seminary look like, and how is he formed during seminary for the pastoral vocation?

The Coffee Hour – “A Chosen Community” LW Searching Scripture, April 2024: 1 Peter 2:4–10

Rev. Carl Roth talks about the “Searching Scripture” feature in the April 2024 issue of the Lutheran Witness.

The Coffee Hour — United in the Songs of Deliverance: Singing the Psalms

How significant is singing the psalms in the life of the congregation? Dr. Charles Brown shares about singing the Psalms.

The Coffee Hour — Serving as a Volunteer Coordinator on the Mission Field

What does a volunteer coordinator do on the mission field, and how can you serve in a role like this?

The Coffee Hour — Death Is Swallowed Up By Death: Bach’s “Christ lag in Todesbanden”

Christ is risen! Rev. Brian Hamer talk about J.S. Bach’s BWV 4, “Christ lag in Todesbanden” (Christ Lay in Death’s Strong Bands).