The Coffee Hour — Serving as a Young Adult Volunteer at the LCMS Youth Gathering

It’s time to apply to serve as a Young Adult Volunteer at the 2025 LCMS Youth Gathering! YAV Squad Leader Bruce Liedtke and YAV Team Manager Brandon Heath, join us!

The Coffee Hour — Christmas FOR YOU

A new Christmas program is available from Higher Things! The Rev. Harrison Goodman and Paige Rebber join us to talk about “Christmas FOR YOU.”

The Coffee Hour — Organization of the Week: Lutheran Senior Services

How does Lutheran Senior Services serve the older adult community? Kristy Krumwiede, Director of Hospice for LSS, joins us!

The Coffee Hour — Sharing the Love of Christ with Indigenous Communities

How does LAMP Ministry share the love of Christ? The Rev. Dr. Steven Schave joins us on the program to discuss LAMP’s work as the only LCMS Recognized Service Organization serving Indigenous communities.

The Coffee Hour — Celebrating Veterans Day

A Wisconsin pastor has served both the Church and his country, and we celebrate Veterans Day today by sharing his story.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Iron Ladle Challenge: Party Mix!

In this Iron Ladle Challenge, Erin, Sarah and Rachel are bringing back homemade party mixes.  

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Church Work Formation through Education

How does Lutheran education support young people considering church work vocations? Lutheran educator Sean Martens joins us!

The Coffee Hour — Pie Day LIVE!

It might not be March 14th, but it’s definitely PIE season!

The Coffee Hour— “A Humble Community” LW Searching Scripture, November 2024: 1 Peter 5:1–7

Rev. Carl Roth talks about the “Searching Scripture” feature in the November 2024 issue of the Lutheran Witness.

The Coffee Hour — Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in Mozart’s Requiem with the SLSO

In this episode, we explore requiems— specifically an upcoming performance of Mozart’s Requiem with the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra!