Rev. Sean Smith gives today’s sermonette.
Sharper Iron — Come Lord Jesus! The Hallelujah Chorus at the Lamb’s Wedding Feast
Rev. Sean Smith, pastor at Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mason City, IA, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Revelation 19:1-10.
Thy Strong Word — Free-Text First Friday: Not Everyone Deserves a Christian Funeral
The Rev. Sean Smith, pastor of Bethlehem Ev. Lutheran Church in Mason City, Iowa, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to discuss why pastors must sometimes refuse to officiate funerals.
Morning Prayer Sermonette: Revelation 1:1-20
Rev. Sean Smith gives today’s sermonette.
Morning Prayer Sermonette: Matthew 24:29-51
Rev. Sean Smith gives today’s sermonette.
Morning Prayer Sermonette: Matthew 17:1-13
Rev. Sean Smith gives today’s sermonette.
Concord Matters for Gnosticism in America Today (Rebroadcast)
With host Rev. Sean Smith and guest Rev. Peter Burfeind
Concord Matters for Stewardship (Rebroadcast)
With host Rev. Sean Smith and guest Rev. Heath Curtis
Concord Matters for Church Visitation (Rebroadcast)
With host Rev. Sean Smith and guest Rev. Sean Daenzer
Concord Matters — Why Concord Matters for Missions: International Lutherans
With host Rev. Sean Smith and guests Rev. Alexey Streltsov and Rev. Joel Fritsche