Faith’n’Family – Lutheran Witness April 2015

With guests Adriane Heins and guest contributors.

Faith’n’Family – Family Friendly Partners Network

With guests Rev. Dr. W. Mart Thompson.

Faith’n’Family – Missionary Story and Opportunities

With guests Donna Meyer and Rev. Dan McMiller.

Concord Matters – Augsburg XI: Confession

Today we look at Confession, Absolution, Steadfast Throwdown, Sacraments, Public Confession, General, Corporate, Individual, Private Confession, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, How can Pastors forgive sins, Examination, Ten Commandments, Vocation, Scripture, conscience, enumeration, abuses, penance, pastors, father confessor, what to expect, seal of confession, ordination vows, state laws, what will pastor think of me.

Faith’n’Family – What is a DCE?

With guests DCE Leslie Leonard and DCE Andrew Nelson

Faith’n’Family – Mission Shift

With guests Rev. Jeff Thormodson and Rev. Michael Iannelli.

Law and Gospel – Ruminations, Stewardship, Improper Stewardship Practices

(1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Stewardship. (3) What is meant by God loving a cheerful giver? (4) Improper stewardship practices. (5) Involves vocation. (6) Caller: Joseph and managerial (stewardship) skills.