Rev. Travis Ferguson navigates the damage of divorce.
2019 LCMS Youth Gathering Sessions — Rev. Don Everts: Who Actually Cares about Jesus? My friends don’t.
Rev. Don Everts uses “The Curve” to help others experience how God can use them to share the good news to those who need it.
LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals – Youth Gathering Resource – Rev. Casey Kegley and the Psalms
Mark and Julianna interview Pastor Casey Kegley who wrote a Bible study on the Psalms titled, “The King in the Psalms.”
2019 LCMS Youth Gathering Sessions — Rebecca Duport, DCE: Ministering to Youth In Crisis… without a counseling degree
Rebecca Duport, DCE, offers specific strategies for ministering to and with youth in crisis.
2019 LCMS Youth Gathering Sessions — Rebecca Duport, DCE: Moving from Programs to Relational Ministry
Rebecca Duport, DCE, helps adult leaders find new ways to focus on build a relational ministry.
2019 LCMS Youth Gathering Sessions — Rev. Dr. Terry Dittmer: What this boomer learned about Youth Ministry
Rev. Dr. Terry Dittmer shares key learnings from 45 years of youth ministry experience.
2019 LCMS Youth Gathering Sessions — Sam Dekker: From Lutheran School to the NBA
NBA player, Sam Dekker, shares how God prepared him to be a witness on and off the basketball court.
2019 LCMS Youth Gathering Sessions — Shelly Carlson: LCMS Servant Events…Are You Ready?
Shelly Carlson shares how youth can serve with LCMS Servant Events.
The Coffee Hour – Short-Term Mission: International Trip with Youth
Andy and Sarah talk with Jim Meyer, DCE, serving at Community Lutheran Church in Escondido, California.
2019 LCMS Youth Gathering Sessions — Laura Davis Hemminger: Defusing the Tension – Getting to the Heart of the Abortion Debate
Laura Davis Hemminger identifies the reason behind the abortion debate and how to turn those debates into a productive conversation.